SRA Handbook
Searchpoint can help you meet your obligations under the Code of Conduct by providing services that ensure you are working in the best interests of your client.
We can help you;
- Identify & manage risks associated with a purchase,
- Help you ensure continuity to cases during periods of absence,
- Help you comply with relevant legislation,
- Help you make informed decisions based on your clients’ needs and circumstances.

All properties area screened for potential unknown risks which could affect the property value, enjoyment or future saleability. Where risks are identified a search is recommended. A certificate of the screening and the recommended searches is archived with the case and can be printed to show your client.
Cases can be accessed by any registered users within an organisation ensuring continuity and easy access should the case owner be unavailable. All actions are recorded against the user giving a clear audit trail of activity on a case.
Working in the best interests of client’s who are working to deadlines may mean ordering searches that you are confident will be returned within the time-frame. Workload. sickness and holidays all affect LA turnarounds and prior knowledge of problems can make the difference for your client. LA search turnarounds are updated daily and compared with personal search alternatives so that you are always able to make the right decision on behalf of your client.
Meeting the needs of the SRA Handbook
Chapter 1: You and your Client
“This chapter is about providing a proper standard of service, which takes into account the individual needs and circumstances of each client. This includes providing clients with the information they need to make informed decisions about the services they need, how these will be delivered and how much they will cost. This will enable you and your client to understand each other’s expectations and responsibilities.” SRA Handbook
O(1.2) you provide services to your clients in a manner which protects their interests in their matter, subject to the proper administration of justice;
Search Alerts highlight potential unknown risks which may affect the future value or saleability of the property
O(1.5) the service you provide to clients is competent, delivered in a timely manner and takes account of your clients’ needs and circumstances &
O(1.12) clients are in a position to make informed decisions about the services they need, how their matter will be handled and the options available to them;
All search options are displayed with upfront turnaround time and pricing information allowing you to take your clients’ needs and circumstances into account when ordering searches. For example an LA search may not be returned within a required time frame and alternative options such as a personal (regulated) search or insurance could be considered.
Chapter 7: Management of your Business
O(7.5) you comply with legislation applicable to your business, including anti-money laundering and data protection legislation.
We provide a range of electronic ID and AML searches for UK and international individuals and businesses. These simple, low-cost searches enhance your customer due diligence and ensure you are complying fully with the Code of Conduct and your legal responsibilities.
O(7.8) you have a system for supervising clients’ matters, to include the regular checking of the quality of work by suitably competent and experienced people.
Cases are visible to all users within an Organisation including a case history which details all actions on a case. Clients’ matters can therefore be supervised and checked for quality and accuracy.